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Broj tema: 6670 | Broj poruka: 26516

Prof. dr. sc. Milivoj Jovančević, dr. med.

Poliklinika Salvea
Zagreb, Zagrebačka cesta 126

cjepivo protiv gripe

Morate biti prijavljeni kako bi imali pristup forumu. Prijaviti se možete na sljedeći način: ovdje

Autor Poruka


02.10.2008. 08:20

Imam dvoje djece,4 godine i 20 mjeseci ,cesto su skloni raznim upalama i prehladama pa razmisljam o cijepivu protiv gripe da ih koliko toliko zastitim.Molim Vase misljenje.Unaprijed hvala

Darko Richter, dr. med.

02.10.2008. 18:35

Moje je mišljenje da da.
Čitajte si preporuke Amerikanaca za 2008. g. Nas se tiču samo opaske i preporuke za TIV (trivalentna inaktivirana influenca vakcina):
Influenza vaccine. (Minimum age: 6 months for trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine [TIV]; 2 years for live, attenuated influenza vaccine [LAIV])
• Administer annually to children aged 6–59 months and to all close contacts of children aged 0–59 months.
• Administer annually to children 5 years of age and older with certain risk factors,
to other persons (including household members) in close contact with persons in groups at higher risk, and to any child whose parents request vaccination.
• For healthy nonpregnant persons (those who do not have underlying medical conditions that predispose them to influenza complications) ages 2–49 years, either LAIV or TIV may be used.
• Children receiving TIV should receive 0.25 mL if age 6-35 mos or 0.5 mL
if age 3 years or older.
• Administer 2 doses (separated by 4 weeks or longer) to children younger than 9 years who are receiving influenza vaccine for the first time or who were vaccinated for the first time last season, but only received one dose.